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Spade Rent is a comprehensive property management software designed to simplify your tasks, from tenant management to payment collection.
Spade Rent streamlines property management, offering tools for payment collection, tenant management, maintenance tracking, invoice management, and report management to keep you updated about your property performance.
Absolutely! Spade Rent is perfect for landlords managing multiple properties, providing centralized control and efficient management across portfolios.
Yes, Spade Rent is versatile and can be used for both residential and commercial properties, adapting to the unique needs of each.
Yes, Spade Rent facilitates online rent collection, allowing tenants to pay conveniently through various payment methods, making rent collection hassle-free.
Spade Rent offers a streamlined maintenance request system, enabling tenants to submit requests online and allowing landlords to address issues promptly.
Yes, Spade Rent offers robust financial reporting tools, providing insights into rent payments, expenses, and overall financial performance.
Yes, Spade Rent is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It offers an intuitive interface and easy-to-use features suitable for all levels of technical expertise.
Yes, Spade Rent includes tenant screening features, helping landlords make informed decisions by assessing tenant backgrounds and credit histories.
Spade Rent prioritizes data security, employing industry-standard encryption and security measures to safeguard your sensitive information.
Yes, we offer a 30-day free trial with full access to all features.
Absolutely. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan anytime based on your needs.
We provide customer support to help you get started and make the most of our platform.

Ready to start managing your properties with ease? Here's how to get started!

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